How to Clean Greasy Kitchen Exhaust Fans?

How to Clean Greasy Kitchen Exhaust Fans?

How to Clean Greasy Kitchen Exhaust Fans?

Doctors say it’s better to prevent illness than to cure it. This rule also applies to some household appliances. The exhaust picks up a huge amount of grease and odours while running in the kitchen every day. Cooking foods and smokes cover its filters with a sticky layer. If you tighten it up with cleaning, it’ll be very difficult to put the hood in order later. It’s better to regularly clean the device, remove grease immediately after cooking. This will further avoid unpleasant consequences. 

Therefore, the requirements of thorough cleaning become a necessary subject. But everything is fixable. There are many effective ways to remove grease from your kitchen exhaust at home. These methods can handle serious contamination.

Here are the following methods to clean your greasy kitchen exhaust fans!

How Often Should The Hood Be Cleaned?

Ideally, the kitchen exhaust should be cleaned once a month. This is with an average activity of kitchen processes. If you cook and steam often, it’s better to clean the filters every couple of weeks. If you’re not very active in the kitchen, you can reduce the frequency of cleaning to once every 2-3 months. Following this rule cleaning will enhance the durability of the exhaust fan.

What Happens If the Hood isn’t Cleaned in Time?

Here are the main consequences:

  • A clogged filter doesn’t catch dirt and grease so well. Therefore, the degree of air purification in the kitchen will gradually decrease.
  • It increases noise levels.
  • It creates deterioration in the hood.
  • It is a complete failure.

Once every 1.5-2 years, it’s recommended to completely disassemble the exhaust fan and lubricate the motor.

Tips for Cleaning a Greasy Kitchen Exhaust Fan?

  • Soaking Method

For cleaning the filters, take a big bucket and fill it with warm water. But, mix various ingredients like baking soda, anti-grease dishwashing soap, and white vinegar in the boiling water.  Now, sink the exhaust fan’s filter in the cleaning solution and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After soaking filters in a cleaning solution, scrub them off to remove the deposits and debris with the thick & firm bristled brush. After washing the filter thoroughly, rinse them with hot water. Take a cotton cloth to wipe away water and dry them. Now, you can install the filters back in an exhaust fan. 

  • Steaming Method

If your exhaust fan is mildly greasy, choose the steaming method. Through a steam cleaner, it becomes quite easy to remove residue over a fan. Place a greasy filter over a cotton cloth and splash boiled water through a steam cleaner. After the elimination of grease, wash the residue with anti-grease dishwashing soap and the thick bristle brush. Don’t forget to rinse it off with hot water and dry it with a cotton cloth.

  • Natural Cleaning Method

The application of natural remedies for cleaning methods keeps a house healthy and tidy. So, try to apply all-natural ingredients for removing greasy residues from exhaust filters. Various ingredients like baking soda, white vinegar, and castile soap are effective and reliable choices for cleaning exhaust fans. So, what do you have to do? Mix baking soda, liquid castile soap, and white vinegar in the hot water. Now, soak the filters in this solution for 10-15 minutes. By using a bristle brush, you can remove greasy debris. Immediately, wipe and dry it off with a cotton cloth.

Kitchen Exhaust Care Rules and Preventive Measures

If you cook often, don’t neglect the contamination of an exhaust fan. So, how to prevent stubborn blockages and make major cleanups? Here are the following simple preventive measures while using the device. 

  • When buying a new exhaust fan, entrust its installation to a specialist. This will ensure the correctness of its work and a significant reduction in blockages.
  • Turn off the stove when you’re not cooking on it. So, smoke doesn’t accumulate on the surfaces of the hood.
  • Cover pans with lids when preparing food. Specially designed grids to prevent oil splashing will also help you.
  • Wash the hood surfaces as often as possible with soapy water and wipe dry. It’s much easier to remove fat from the grate before it has time to harden and become covered with dust.


Picking the kitchen exhaust cleaning services once or twice a week and washing off a thin layer of grease is easier than dealing with a hardened mass of grease, dust, and soot. And this must not only be done because a dirty device spoils the appearance. The main thing is taking care of your health and your loved ones.


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