Prepare For JEE Mains

How To Prepare For JEE Mains

Prepare For JEE Mains

JEE Mains is one of the most competitive entrance exams, every year a hundred thousand from all around the country appear for this exam competing with each other to bag the spots in some of the prestigious and topmost institutes of the country such as IIT, NIT, VIT, etc.

The cut-off is very high as well as the competition students should put a lot of effort to crack the exam if they want to get seats in their dream college.

The 2022 JEE mains are nearing and it is high time that the engineering aspirants start preparing for the exams.

For those who dint know, the best time to start studying for the JEE mains is right from the 11th grade this way you will have a lot of time to study and you won’t be pressurized at the last moment and you will be able to ace the exams without any pressure.

Apart from starting early how to prepare for JEE Mains?

  • Consistency is the key! You have to be a consistent learner this way you would easily pass the exam.
  • Prepare a timetable and be committed to it.
  • Divide the JEE syllabus into small modules and set targets and start covering one topic at a time.
  • Focus on all the three subjects– Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics equally, do not neglect any of the three or stick on only to one subject.
  • Students should cover the theory parts first and then move to the problems, this will help you in understanding better.
  • Study all the easy chapters first this will give you a sense of confidence to move forward
  • Give importance to difficult chapters and keep solving the sums until you are perfect.
  • Take notes whenever you are studying, make points, include formulas, reactions, etc.
  • Take a break when you are studying for long hours; you maintain productivity.
  • Study efficiently throughout the week, at the weekend assess your performance by solving practice papers.
  • Be regular to coaching classes or home tutoring (in case you are attending one) be attentive, don’t hesitate to raise questions, finish the given assignments regularly, and don’t miss out on the mock tests.
  • When you finish a new topic go back to the old one and revise it, JEE’s portions are hectic and there are chances that you might forget the previous concepts. Hence, whenever you finish a concept go back and revise from the old concepts.
  • Understand the JEE Main exam pattern; it is vital for you to check old question papers and understand the exam pattern. How else would you know what questions are repeated? Which are the important chapters, how many marks are awarded to each question, which are the repeated questions. All these confusions will be uncovered when you go through the old question papers and understand the pattern.
  • Some of the best JEE Mains Books to refer to:
PHYSICSConcepts of Physics-  H. C. Verma Understanding JEE physics series- DC Pandey Problem In Physics- SS Krotov Fundamentals of Physics- Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
CHEMISTRYUniversity Chemistry- Freedman and Young Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations- RC Mukherjee Arihant’s Practice Book Chemistry for JEE Main And Advanced- R.K Gupta
MATHIIT Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced- M.L. Khanna Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE- Tata McGraw Hill publication Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics- A Das Gupta Differential and Integral Calculus- N. Piskunov
  • Time management is the key to score, you have to learn to perform well and be quick. For this, you have to constantly take mock tests and monitor your time and speed.
  • Import topics to concentrate on are:
PHYSICSElectrostatics, Electromagnetic Induction and AC, Modern Physics, Magnetics, Oscillation and Waves, Current Electricity, Optics, Waves.
CHEMISTRYAtomic Structure, Electrochemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Solutions, Gaseous & Liquid State, Metallurgy, Chemical Bonding, Hydrocarbons, Chemical Kinetics, Nuclear & Surface Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, d-Block Elements, Redox & Volumetric Analysis, Ionic Equilibrium, Co-ordination Compound, Alkyl Halides, Mole Concept, Solid State.
MATHApplications of Derivative, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Sequence and Series, Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines, Limit and Continuity, Matrices and Determinants, Circles and Family of Circles, Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
  • If you are feeling gloomy with all the studying don’t panic or fall, back take a break listen to music, watch something, or participate in some leisure activity when you have recharged enough sprint back and start studying.
  • How to prepare for JEE Main Mathematics

Most JEE candidates concentrate on mathematics more because they feel math is the toughest of the three but with consistent practice and hard work you can master maths. Take help from your coaching class tutor or better hire a mathematic home tutor to help you around, they will create a customized timetable for you, unlike school or tutorials, you can start at your own pace and learn at the comfort of your house.

Mr. Shamsher Singh has over 20+ years of mathematics teaching experience he has and is helping hundreds of thousands of students to crack the JEE Mains.


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