How to Spot a Bad Window Tinting Job [Infographic]

How to Spot a Bad Window Tinting Job [Infographic]

Window tints are becoming more popular because of the many benefits they can offer a car and homeowner. Especially in this time where the effects of climate change are highly felt by many, as simple as feeling the burning sensation brought by the sun’s rays. It is easy to see now why so many people opt for window tinting in Omaha NE.

Window tinting can be costly, mainly when not everyone is knowledgeable enough to tell if their window tinting quality is good or bad. Many window tints are improperly installed by people who do not have the proper knowledge about tinting.

It is as if you have already paid for the benefits but not received the rewards, which is not what anyone would want. KEPLER has compiled a list of ways to spot lousy window tinting jobs.

The formation of air bubbles

Air bubbles between your tint film and the glass of your vehicle are the most apparent sign of lousy window tinting. Air bubbles can be pretty standard in the first two weeks after tint installation. If the bubbles do not disappear in two weeks, it is an indication that your window tinting job was poor; so it is time to look for proper installation and high-quality window tinting in Lincoln NE. 

Purple hue

If the tint films have been used for many years, discoloration is common. But it is rare for tints that have been installed recently. Window tints can change their color from a straightforward, vibrant hue in a matter of months, which most of the time indicates that the tint was not high quality. You might also want to replace them immediately as this will ruin the style of your car and home window tints.


Peeling is another sign that you have a poor tint job. Peeling, which is similar to discoloration in tints, is also quite common for older window tints. It would be difficult to remove and peel off new tints. If it starts to peel off within a few weeks or months after application, this is a sign that the tint was not applied correctly.

Window tints do not block heat.

Window tints are known for blocking heat and UV rays, which is the main benefit of installing them. Window tints maintain a comfortable temperature in your home or car and allow you to save energy and fuel because your heater or AC unit does not need to work overtime.

If the heat seems to be getting into your home or vehicle quickly, it could simply mean that the tint was not applied correctly and that the quality of the tint is poor.

Check out this infographic by KEPLER to know more about window tinting.

how to spot a bad window tinting Job


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