eLearning Simulations

How to Use Online Training Simulations To Reinforce Positive Behavioral Change

The standard eLearning simulations for the workplace resemble low-end video games. It lacks that capacity and polish because it isn’t aimed at commercial gamers. The budgets of commercial video games frequently rival those of blockbuster films and straight-to-stream productions. Whether they’re serious games or ice-breakers, they all have a lot of gaming elements. What can you do with these online training simulations to help you build excellent work habits and get rid of negative ones?

Ways to Use eLearning Simulations to Reinforce Positive Behavior in Employees
Maintain open lines of communication

Mutual communication is essential in any connection, including business relationships. This is more than just making contact tools. You’ll want feedback-friendly modules in your simulation. Users should be able to text or contact professors in the middle of a class to ask for assistance. Alternatively, they may have a stop button that allows students to go back over the appropriate course content and brush up on their knowledge.

Many simulators record gameplay so that learners can go back and see where they went wrong. Allow them to get some human response if they want it. However, in addition to providing the tools, create an open workplace climate where they feel comfortable asking questions. Another option is a built-in course guide that provides suggestions throughout the session or refers them to pertinent support sites. Read more: e learning management system

Allow them to learn from their errors

Adult learners don’t respond well to being spoon-fed, so don’t provide help until it’s specifically requested. Pinpointing their flaws and making them feel singled out is another pet peeve. They need to be informed about gaps in a more nuanced approach that motivates them to improve rather than alienates them. Automated feedback and debriefing can be programmed into your training simulation.

Your trainees will be able to receive an overview without your intervention or oversight. You can also automate the feedback, but only if you want it to be. Offer closed pop-ups, for example, when customers make a specific movement within the simulation. If trainees need help or feedback, they can click on them. They will only open if trainees request it. Learners can make their own mistakes this way, then choose other options the next time they play. These instructions also come in handy when they’re reliving their turn to see where they went wrong.

Encourage them to evaluate their performance

Create mandatory intervals between your simulations. They can, for example, repeat a simulation as many times as they want, but just one each day. This ensures a period of pause between simulations, allowing them to absorb their newly gained knowledge. After each round, you can conduct an exit interview. Use questions that lead to more questions. Analytics will show you exactly where and how they struggled.

On the other hand, your trainees’ queries will provide you with insight into their mindset and thought processes. You can figure out what they’re thinking and feeling. It demonstrates that you know the steps necessary to attain your behavior-change training objectives. Inviting them to join your training social media group to share their experiences is another method to encourage reflection. They get the opportunity to share their opinions and concerns about their simulation performance. Then take advantage of their knowledge.

Provide practice sessions with real-world applications in a context

By their very nature, simulated events appear to be far distant from everyday life. There is a sense of imagination and unreality in the story. This is beneficial in some situations since they can experience complex, potentially dangerous office scenarios in a safe environment. However, trainees occasionally require a more global perspective. Set the simulation inside a virtual version of your working environment to do this.

You might also draw out the abilities they’ve learned and hold a live demonstration. This is something that blended learning systems excel at. As an example, following a series of terror drill simulations, schedule one offline. It has the potential to save a life. Realistic personas should also be included to expose them to clients and coworkers they’ll encounter in the workplace.

Make resource suggestions and follow up on them

Supplementary reading is typically reserved for academically exceptional children who finish their coursework much ahead of their peers. Adult learners have a more challenging time recognizing this trait. They’ll undoubtedly reduce their book-smarts to fit in with their office mates unless their professions are explicitly cerebral. Metrics are your friend in this instance.

Examine how quickly they completed the course or which pages/chapters they skipped. You now have a good idea of how far they’ve progressed. Also, whether the online training scenarios are difficult enough to drive habit change, heat maps and screen recorders can aid in the identification of problem areas. Curate more resources to assist them in these areas of struggle and gently follow up. You want to make sure they took advantage of those resources. If so, you might look for alternatives on the internet that communicate with them.

What Should You Avoid While Designing Online Training Simulations?

Now that you are aware of how positive eLearning simulations can be created let’s see what mistakes you should avoid while designing the same.

Leaving out audience research

One of the most common mistakes to avoid when constructing eLearning simulations is generating generic content. Because audience demands differ, online training information should be tailored to their specific job responsibilities, gaps, and preferences. This form of online training is intended to aid employees in better understanding rules and regulations through real-life scenarios.

As a result, online training content should be tailored to each employee’s needs based on the jobs they perform. Audience research enables you to create simulations that add value to online training courses by giving individualized performance support. For instance, compliance eLearning simulation for your warehouse crew may include safe handling methods and machinery operations that aren’t necessarily relevant for your customer service representatives.

Responsive design isn’t being used

Most consumers nowadays prefer to use their mobile devices to access their online training simulations. This makes sense, given how portable and convenient mobile phones and tablets are to use. They give employees the freedom to read and absorb information at their leisure. An employee, for example, can use their smartphone to study on the bus.

Content for online training simulations should be broken down into bite-sized chunks and customized for all types of learners. You can also avoid the time and effort of producing several versions by using a responsive design authoring tool. You can use the program to build a master version of the simulation that modifies itself, dependent on the device.

Taking the finer points for granted

You’ll have to imitate real-world processes in simulations. As a result, you must develop a model with a well-flowing story. Every aspect of the tale should work together to create a sense of immersion. To achieve that, pay close attention to each element. This method will help you prevent poorly crafted narratives and cause employees to lose interest. Or, even worse, invalidate the entire online training experience by appearing dishonest or overstated. Some examples are characters with ridiculous language or emergency scenarios that are entirely out of place. On the other hand, you can make the simulation more compelling by including unexpected narrative twists and cliffhangers. To make your online training content more effective, remember to elicit emotion when writing it.

Including far too much data

Excessive information causes cognitive overload, making it difficult to grasp and retain information. Online training simulations are designed to bring real-world issues closer to employees. It’s natural to want to offer as much information as possible about a process, especially if you want them to be prepared for whatever may occur on the job. However, this will simply result in stress and cognitive overload.

Remember that the goal of online training simulations is to assist employees in improving their skills and performance. They aren’t about disseminating massive amounts of data. Focus on the essential tasks and organizational policy compliance expected of the employees. Then provide kids opportunities to practice the abilities they’ll need to face real-world situations.

Leaving out the element of fun

Online training sims provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to add a little fun to your online training. To lighten the mood, include engaging characters and a few jokes. This also aids employee connection, allowing them to get the most out of their online training. The catch is that you shouldn’t go overboard with the enjoyment. Employees must still recognize that following rules and regulations is serious business.


It’s not simply about teaching your employees new skills through online training. You aim to alter their attitudes and behaviors on a deeper level. But in what way might you be able to leverage online training simulations that boost employee behavior? Communication tools are needed, but the most critical need is a safe, open workplace that encourages honest feedback.

Allow trainees to commit and learn from their mistakes in a judgment-free environment. Allow them the time and space to evaluate themselves objectively, free of guilt, shame, or blame. Make it possible for them to put their simulated knowledge to use in the actual world. Don’t forget to include a JIT library with resources and additional references. Make them easily accessible, and then monitor their use and utility.


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