Should You Be Using Dark Mode As Responsive Web Design?

Should You Be Using Dark Mode As Responsive Web Design?

Should You Be Using Dark Mode As Responsive Web Design?

Dark mode has become increasingly popular and adaptable among a majority of internet users. It has become a preference to access a site in dark mode and appears more responsive on a multitude of devices.

In recent times, a website’s dark mode has gained immense popularity among users. So, much so that Google even offers “Night Eye” mode to users while accessing the site on Chrome.

There have been a lot of talks about making an enterprise website much responsive, easily accessible, and user-friendly.

Over here, our focus is on switching to dark mode and gets an overwhelming response from users.

To support this claim, we have our discussion here divided into the following few parts:

  • Rising acceptance of website dark mode using few stats.
  • Highly adopted by tech giants.
  • Friendly to user’s eyes.
  • Adding boldness to site.
  • Still search engine friendly
  • User preference

So, let’s get started on this.

  1. Recent Stats:As per the report of Built With, there are around 1,028 websites that have a dark theme. The purpose is to attract customer’s attention. Out of these, 340 are live and 688 have used the dark mode theme historically. Also, several social media platforms have already adopted the dark viewing mode to meet the requirements of millennial.
  2. Adopted by Tech Giants: To garner a trust factor in adopting dark mode as part of your responsive web design services. We have a list of tech giants adopting the trend in full force. It includes names like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, WhatsApp, Samsung’s One UI, Android 10 shadow mode, and more.
  3. User-Friendly to the Eyes: The wide acceptance of website dark mode is confined to the limit of visitor’s attraction. From the scientific reason as well, it has been adopted lately. According to the study of astigmatism, seeing light text on the dark screen brings more burdens to the iris of the eyes. However, readers find it friendly to use dark mode in low-light conditions.
  4. Boldness to Website: Believe it or not, dark mode is more of a mood than just a feature on the responsive website. It helps avoid the digital eye strain on the part of users. Since internet users spend more of their day time on screen. They face vision-related issues due to prolonged usage. On the other side, 82.7% of users prefer switching to dark mode for long-lasting usage and find the content bold and attractive.
  5. SEO Friendly: There is no doubt in saying the fact that SEO does mind having your site in dark mode. Unless and until, your keywords, content, and graphics remain the same. For you, it’s just a thematic change on your website with equal proportions of responsiveness.
  6. Maintains User Preference: We all know the fact that a majority of website users consume more image or video content. As per the statistics, 92% of marketers use video mode of marketing. It is further estimated that an average user will spend 100-min every day watching online videos in 2021. Therefore, it is definite that dark themes will do well with online videos to grab widespread attention.

How to Achieve the Desired Dark Mode Look?

Now, comes the question of adopting the much-needed dark mode on your website. There are two best ways of achieving that.

  1. Change in CSS: One of the most straightforward and easy ways to implement a dark mode on your website. Simply add a darktheme.css file that allows the user to toggle between using some JavaScript.
  2. Operating System: The other possible way is to implement the changes as per the user’s operating system. Define the dark theme that enables automatically when a user switches to a particular OS.

Things to Consider while Enabling a Responsive Dark Mode

As a learning approach, here we have few things to keep in mind while setting up the dark mode.

  • Know the contrast among your fonts, colors, and icons.
  • There should be an appropriate contrast ratio between text and background.
  • Ensure the wellness and comfort of users.
  • Do not use stark colors on the theme.
  • Use the technique of desaturation to choose the right color options.


Responsive web design is evolving rapidly with the changing customer preferences. There are a plethora of ways to make your platform attractive and easily accessible across a multitude of devices.

 Enable the much-required dark theme mode as an ideal solution to make your site responsive. Refer to the above-mentioned considerations to make specific changes accordingly. Also, for real-time assistance, do get in touch with a reliable responsive website design company.

Do not just wait to make things go live accordingly. Let there be responsive elements on your site to grab widespread attention from all sides.


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