WBCS Exam Preparation

Traditional Ways of Learning Vs. Using Apps for WBCS Exam Preparation

WBCS Exam Preparation

What is the prestigious WBCS exam?

Apps for WBCS Exam Preparation-The West Bengal Civil Services examination or WBCS is a state-wide examination conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission(WBPSC) for recruitment to various bureaucratic positions in West Bengal.

Every year, over 4 lakh candidates appear for the Preliminary WBCS exam. It is a highly competitive exam with a selection ratio of 5:10000 till the final round on an average. So you can already imagine, cracking the WBCS exam is no child’s play.

The WBCS exam comprises two stages, tests, and an interview. Candidates will be required to appear for two written tests and an interview, making it a three-tiered exam altogether. The first two, however, act as screening tests. A WBCS mock test app will guide you through the whole process adequately while having your best interests in mind.

Only those applicants who can qualify in the Prelims are eligible to sit for the Mains, while those qualifying in the Mains are finally shortlisted for a Personality Test/Interview. This makes the whole process a long one, continuing through the duration of almost a year.

Highlights of the Whole Process and Exam Dates for this Year:

  • The WBCS is a prestigious exam that recruits state government officials to high-ranking posts. The provides recruitment to four grades of services- A, B, C, and D. The exam and the work designation vary according to the group to which a candidate intends to apply.
  • The first screening test of prelims comprises one paper of 200 marks divided into eight sections containing 25 marks each. The second Mains test contains six papers plus two optionals for candidates to have applied to Group A and B services. This is followed by a final interview leading to recruitment.
  • This year, the WBCS Prelims 2021 are scheduled to take place on May 31, 2021. The WBCS Mains for the year 2020 will take place on May 17, 2021.
  • For all other details of the selection procedure, eligibility, exam dates, and so on, download and refer to the WBCS 2021 Official Notification, which you will find on the Public Service Commission West Bengal website, the official website of the WBCS exam.

Essential Tips to Guide you through the Effort:

With the horde of the above data, the idea of preparing for the WBCS exam might appear daunting. It is indeed true that it is a highly competitive exam requiring a broad knowledge in a vast range of subjects, from Polity and Social Sciences to Mathematics and reasoning skills.

However, if you are decided to take up the challenge and are determined to crack the exam, rest assured you have nothing to fear. With your objective clear in your head and your attitude steadfast and composed, you will only go in the forward direction from now. Keep in order the following, and you are all set to go!

1. Determination and Hard Work:

These are not just proverbs. Being determined and working hard can fetch you things that might initially appear impossible. Some might be blessed with god-given qualities, but it is really self-imposed hard work that takes you far in life.

2. Make a Routine:

Before you set out to study, make a routine of your study time. Being organized is extremely important to crack any competitive exam. In the routine, decide how many hours you will study every day, which topics you will cover each day, which mock papers you will take, and so on. Set small milestones for your study schedule because achieving them will also boost your confidence. Ensuring the routine well in advance and following and progressing according to the routine will prove beneficial.

3. Stay focused:

You need to devise ways to stay focused and motivated. Remember, the whole course of the process goes on for a year, making you prone to losing attention. But there is no reason to fret. With every milestone you achieve, treat yourself to little pleasures. It is alright to go out for two hours after a week of consistent studying. It will help rejuvenate energy and make you stay focused. The best apps for WBCS preparation employ unique and interactive features to help you stay focused and sustain your interest.

4. Health:

Your health is your utmost priority during this time. Eat well, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest. Whatever you do, get a good 7-8 hours’ sleep. Even with that, you can get ample time to study in a day.

The Shift to the Digital World of Apps:

There has been a general shift to the digital world with an increasing dependence on the internet in the last decade. The pandemic has only further impacted this dependence. Groceries are being purchased online, health appointments are being booked online, and students are attending classes online.

The education sector, too, has shifted mainly to the digital mode. One of the most important factors is that there is no shortage of resources online. Students can read books for free and consult academic material all they want. With simultaneous technological advancement, responsive apps are being designed to accommodate the educational needs of students.

More and more companies dedicated to the cause of education are investing in the digital medium to provide e-lessons and online tutorials for various courses. Some of them, like Unacademy, offer both general course videos on a range of subjects, while there are others which cater to students intending to sit for specific exams like NET and UPSC.

Below are 5 Reasons why a WBCS mock test app and Online Learning are being Favoured to Traditional Modes of Learning for WBCS:


With WBCS mock test app, students can adjust their schedule according to their own will. Many candidates appearing for these exams are either pursuing courses or already working. With such other commitments, traveling to and fro coaching centers leads to a strenuous routine. Apps can be accessed from the comforts of our homes, thus saving a lot of time. Moreover, most apps are designed to save live lectures, mock papers, videos, and so on. All of this data remains preserved, and none of it is lost. Unlike live coaching, you can always refer to the materials on missing a particular class without constantly worrying.

Free Study Materials and other Resources:

Some of the best apps for competitive exam preparation offer crucial resources for free or at a very nominal price. The cumulative cost of purchasing hard copy newspapers, books, previous years’ question papers, and additional study materials far exceeds that of availing all these online. Some essential newspapers like the Hindu, Times of India, and Ei Somoy, which are integral to WBCS preparation for current affairs, are available for free on the internet, as are books such as NCERTs, Arihant’s, and subject-specific books like Lucent’s. The miscellaneous guides and question papers are provided in ample quantities by apps that are dedicated to the cause of providing you with an enriching experience while being significantly cost-effective.

Interactive Apps:

With blooming technological advancements, apps these days are designed to be student-friendly and interactive. With increased personalization, easy readability, and mobile-friendly layout designs, they adequately guide applicants and help them stay motivated through interactive apps.

Mock Tests:

The correct government exam preparation app will emphasize mock papers and previous years’ question papers. Solving as many question papers as possible is perhaps the most effective way of preparing for competitive exams as they help get an idea about prospective questions and battle the fear of exams. Apps thus, strike at the right target by supplying plenty of mock papers for regular solving by students.

Miscellaneous Features:

Apps often incorporate such additional features as interactive sessions with toppers, question-answer sessions with reputable candidates, and various strategies and tips that heavily contribute to the overall success. Apps are designed to include unconventional features to sustain users’ interest and motivation in non-traditional ways. As opposed to a bland and uncreative teaching and learning mode, the best app for WBCS exam thrives on interactivity and creativity for optimal results!

Summing up:

Traditional methods of learning have become archaic. Particularly when it comes to high-profile competitive examinations like WBCS, you should prepare smartly and effectively. With an app, you can do precisely that and much more!


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