The pandemic highlighted what many businesses had begun to suspect: the inadequacy of the on-premises PBX phone system. In addition, many companies started to contemplate updating their existing PBX systems to cutting-edge cloud-based ones as a direct result of the dramatic rise in remote work.
Despite the many advantages of cloud-based (or hosted) platforms, such as greater adaptability and a wider range of functionality than even high-end PBX systems can provide, some companies still need to decide whether to make the switch. Some people are concerned that their information is insecure when kept on a remote server rather than at the company’s headquarters. Others have doubts that virtual PBXs can provide as much reliability as traditional landlines. Did you have the same thought?
Then this post is for you; we’ll discuss the advantages of switching from a conventional PBX to a cloud-based system and the potential drawbacks you should be aware of before making the switch.
Cloud PBX: What Is It?
Cloud PBX phone system for small businesses differs most significantly from traditional PBX in using an internet connection rather than an on-premises copper network. Because of this, Cloud PBX is an extremely practical choice; your staff can make and receive calls from their laptops from anywhere there is internet connectivity.

Smaller organizations can implement PBX systems because those platforms don’t require additional gear, separate storage rooms, kilometers of lines, or frequent IT maintenance. They’ll have to pay subscription fees, and if their internet can’t handle VoIP conversations, they can always upgrade.
Why should you use a cloud PBX?
A typical PBX requires two distinct networks, one for speech and one for data. However, thanks to cloud PBX’s converged data and voice networks, all of your phone services may be routed over the internet. Traditional PBX requires an initial investment in costly equipment to get up and running. Furthermore, most older PBX systems need a professional operator to handle the lines. A cloud-hosted PBX system is less expensive because there is no physical “box” to buy. Since there is no need for costly technicians, you may administer the virtual system on your own.
Safe and Reasonably Priced
Cloud computing is quickly becoming the industry standard for meeting various corporate requirements. You can keep private information safe, access the internet wirelessly, and make purchases by waving your phone over a terminal. If you need a reliable and inexpensive phone system, consider switching to one hosted in the cloud. A cloud PBX phone system eliminates the need for costly hardware by storing communications data remotely in the cloud, which can be accessed instantly and without downtime.
Maintenance of Operations
Cloud PBX phone systems make working from home easier because of their increased mobility and adaptability. Unlike traditional desk phones, which are tied to a single physical location, cloud phones can be used everywhere Internet access is available. With cloud telephony, you can answer and make calls from your mobile phone or computer, streamlining your client interactions.
The adaptability your company needs
Cloud computing is inherently scalable and adaptable. Traditional PBXs need to be more flexible regarding upgrades and changes because they are physical devices. In contrast, cloud PBX allows you to adjust settings quickly and expand capabilities in response to changing business needs. Cloud-hosted phones can be used anywhere a WiFi connection is available, allowing you and your staff to work from home, a hotel, a conference room, or even while traveling without disrupting your ability to stay in touch with one another and your clients.
Time saved in the IT department
When you switch to a cloud-based phone system, you no longer have to deal with cumbersome hardware. This means less time spent on the phone with telecom providers and fewer debugging issues with older PBX phone systems.
Predicted dependability
Since a conventional PBX is housed in a single physical location, all your business’s phone calls will go via that location with no “backup system.” In contrast, cloud PBX is a dependable answer to your company’s communication demands because it is hosted on a network of remote servers. The internet-based nature of hosted PBX systems is that they can streamline your business’s communication infrastructure. In addition, your service provider will take care of storing and managing all the information you need your cloud PBX to have; there will never be any data loss.
Evolves with you
If your company’s needs change, adding or removing users from a cloud-based phone system is a breeze. New features and functions with cloud-based phone systems are a bonus as your company evolves.
Your classic PBX system is more of a liability than an asset in today’s world of remote work, video meetings, and ever-evolving corporate needs. Although switching to a cloud-based PBX business phone system may seem like a huge step at first, and getting used to the new system may take some time, you will quickly see how much more user- and business-friendly it is compared to your old on-premise set.